Interested in working at Dept of Justice (Dept of Justice hiring young unemployed South African) See how to apply before (10 February 2023)
Interested in working at Dept of Justice (Dept of Justice hiring young unemployed South African) See how to apply before (10 February 2023)
Here’s how to apply
APPLICATIONS : Direct your application using the address indicated below:
National Office: Address: Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand deliver to
329 Pretorius Street, C/o Pretorius and Sisulu Street, Pretoria, 0001 Enquiries:
Ms. Samantha Fisher Tel No: (012) 315 4843 or Mr. Tokelo Moja Tel No (012)
315 4847
Gauteng Provincial Office: Address: The Provincial Head: Gauteng, Private
Bag X6, Johannesburg, 2000 or hand deliver to 7th Floor Schreiner Chambers,
Corner Pritchard and Kruis Street, Johannesburg. Enquiries: MS Rachel
Moabelo Tel No: (011) 332 9019
Mpumalanga Provincial Office: Address: Private Bag X 11249, Nelspruit
1200 or hand deliver to physical address: 24 Brown Street, 4th Floor, Nedbank
Building, Nelspruit 1200 Enquiries: Ms KN Zwane Tel No: (013) 753 9367 or
Ms Sedibe E Tel No: (013) 753 9370
Kwazulu-Natal Provincial Office: Address: Interested applicants must submit
their applications for internship programme to the Justice offices / Magistrate’s
Courts where the position they are applying for is advertised. The Provincial
Head, Private Bag X 54372, Durban 4000 or hand deliver to Provincial Office,
2 Devonshire place (off Anton Lembede Street) Durban Enquiries: Ms Naicker
R Tel No: (031) 372 3082 or Zulu Mondli Tel No: (031) 372 3077 and Mtolo
Mduduzi Tel No: (031) 372 3076
Northern Cape Provincial Office: Address: Department of Justice, New
Public Building (Court Building), Corner Knight and Stead Street, Kimberley,
8301, 7th Floor Enquiries: Mr. R Muller Tel No: (053) 802 1317(27) or Mr J Tope
Tel No: (053) 802 1317(66)
Limpopo Provincial Office: Address: Private Bag x 9526, Polokwane 0700 or
hand deliver 92 Bok Street, Polokwane, 0700 Enquiries: Ms Mongalo MP Tel
No (015) 287 2037, Ms Lamola V Tel No: (015) 287 2035, Ms Manyaja M Tel
No: (015) 287 2026, Mr Mongwe PM Tel No: (015) 287 2034 or Mathosa M Tel
No: (015) 287 2147
North West Regioan Office:Address: Department of Justice and
Constitutional Development, Private Bag X 2033, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand
deliver Provincial Office North West, 22 Molopo Road, Ayob Gardens,
Mafikeng Enquiries: Ms Tshegetso G Tel No: (018) 397 7070 or Mr Botlhole T
Tel No: (018) 397 7111
Western Cape Provincial Office: Address: Provincial Head: Private Bag X
9171, Cape Town, 8000 or hand deliver to physical address: No. 8 Riebeeck
Street, 5th Floor, Norton Rose House Building, Cape Town, 8000 Enquiries: Ms
L Keyster Tel No: (021) 462 5471 or Ms R Hendricks Tel No: (021) 462 5471
Eastern Cape Provincial Office: Address: The Provincial Head Eastern Cape,
Provincial Office East London, Private Bag X 9065,East London,5200 or hand
deliver to Physical Address NO 3 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, East
London, 5200 Enquiries: Dr M Feni Tel No: Tel No (043) 702 7029 Ms. N Dyani
Tel No (043) 702 7009 Mr L Qayi Tel No (043) 702 7003 or Mr P Hattingh Tel
No (043) 702 7000
To apply click on the download link and scroll down to see the young development vacancies
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Opportunity available in SouthAfrica
Application Closing date: 13 February 2023,
Posted dates: 01 February 2023,
Article published by youthspace .